Building a real audience for my music. Real Vs. Fake Fans?
(By Oliver Cox)
Plenty of companies offer all sorts of SoundCloud goodies with no effort on your part, for a fee—let’s see how it works and whether it’s the right choice.
Building a real audience for my music. Real Vs. Fake Fans?
(By Oliver Cox)
Plenty of companies offer all sorts of SoundCloud goodies with no effort on your part, for a fee—let’s see how it works and whether it’s the right choice.
Who’s Responsible For Indie Music’s Fast Rise To The Top
(By Mike Post)
It’s hard to argue with the idea that independent music is the fastest growing segment of the music industry today.
It’s common knowledge at this point that file sharing and music streaming has decimated the music industry of the past few decades, leaving in its wake a new era of how music is acquired and consumed. This has directly lead to majorly reduced record budgets and is the primary reason we’ve seen such a big rise in the independent music sector. Continue Reading..
A Sound Odyssey – Music Distribution and Media, from the Beginning to Now
(By Oliver Cox)
What can we learn from the music industry of the past to make the future industry connect more artists with the fans that are longing to hear their music?
Continue Reading..
How to leverage streaming aggregators to boost your SoundCloud
(By Oliver Cox)
Online streaming aggregators like SongDrop and Playmoss let listeners create a playlist from multiple sources (SoundCloud, YouTube, Bandcamp etc.) – how can you use these services to grow your audience? Continue Reading..